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Enhance User Engagement with Facebook-Style Reaction Buttons

Introduction: In today's digital age, user engagement is crucial for the success of any online platform. Providing interactive features can significantly enhance user experience and keep visitors coming back for more. One such feature popularized by social media giant Facebook is the reaction button, allowing users to express various emotions in response to content. In this article, we'll learn how to create Facebook-style reaction buttons using HTML and CSS, making your website more engaging and interactive.

Facebook emoji reactions
Facebook-Style Buttons with Html css

Creating Facebook-Style Reaction Buttons:

Let's dive into the code and see how we can implement these reaction buttons:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">

    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css">
    <title>Facebook-style Reaction Buttons</title>

    <div class="wrapper">
        <div class="content">
            <div class="emoji">
                <div class="btn">
                    <img src="Media/like.gif" alt="">
                <!-- Add more emoji buttons here -->


In this HTML structure, we have a wrapper div containing our content. Inside the content div, we have the emoji buttons represented by div elements with the class "btn". Each button contains an image tag linking to a GIF file representing a specific reaction, such as like, love, etc. Additionally, there's a regular button labeled "Like" for comparison.

Let's dive into CSS Code:

* {
    padding: 0;
    margin: 0;
    box-sizing: border-box;

body {
    display: grid;
    height: 100%;
    place-items: center;
    background-color: #ecf0f1;

.wrapper {
    display: flex;
    flex-direction: column;
    justify-content: center;
    align-items: center;
    position: relative;

/* Add more CSS styles here for buttons and emojis */

In the CSS styling, we begin by resetting margins, paddings, and box-sizing for consistency. We then set the background color and layout properties for the wrapper and content divs to achieve our desired design.

Interactive Emoji Buttons:

The magic happens with the emoji buttons. Initially hidden, they become visible and animated when the wrapper is hovered over. This effect is achieved using CSS transitions and the :hover selector. When hovered over, the emojis scale up and gain a drop shadow, creating a delightful interaction for users.


Creating Facebook-style reaction buttons with HTML and CSS is a fun and educational project suitable for beginners. By understanding the HTML structure and CSS styling techniques employed, aspiring web developers can gain valuable insights into building interactive user interfaces. With clear comments guiding the way, this tutorial offers a beginner-friendly introduction to web development concepts.

Start implementing these reaction buttons on your website today and watch as user engagement soars to new heights!

Download Source Code:

Facebook Reaction Source Code
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